
Tuesday 2 April 2013

College Experience- Make the most of Open Day! 12th MAY 2013

Hi Folks,

Well, its been a while I blogged! I should seriously put a habit of blogging ...anyways what I wanted o say today is about the College Experience.

I bet each one of us now and then become nostalgic and recollect the past good old days that we had with our friends in our college. I remember how excited I was when  when I finished schooling and stepped into the College atmosphere. Trust me guys, the feeling was amazing......right from the fact that there were no uniforms, bigger campus, interaction with students from different schools and most scary the new syllabus! :(

It all turned out to be lot of fun after a few days when I made friends with new students, spent time playing and getting knackered!!! yes we used to play and play and play all the time.....Times have changed you see! You see people getting knackered FBing all the time!
At Chowgule College, We all are TIGERS! :) 

Never mind, the point is I must admit I had some of the best times in my college then, Chowgule College  because the things which I found hell different from schools, and scary like everything to be spoken and done was in english, open culture without any uniforms, lots of activities (i enjoyed athletics: sprinting, long jump, and playing cricket :) ) were actually helped me build  what I am today. We also studied hard and got good marks and build great relationships with our teachers and friends.

The best part about Chowgule College was there was no study burden or an environment where you start feeling that college is just another school. It was different. It was more like exploring the unknown doing the science experiments, team spirit and fun during all the youth festivals we participated.

So guys, here we are celebrating an Open day for everyone on 12th May  2013 at Chowgule College. On this day come to Chowgule College and see whether you would like to have your college experience exciting, fun filled and yet focused to wards your career goals.

Open day gives students and parents a preview of the college experience the student is going to experience in the next 3 years of graduation. You can interact with fellow students, ask questions about various subject combinations and career prospects to teachers. Get your doubts solved about sports and fitness. Enjoy the college tour and see all the department and facilities and have lot of fun with good food and drinks! :)

Hope to see you all on 12th May 2013! 

Please contact me on 8408087197 or email me on for any more information on Open days.

Kind regards
Vasant hede

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